Sunday, July 27, 2014

Blogging 101

       Blogging is something I've been toying around with for a few years.... Do people really want to read about the life of a single mother with a bionic hip that can predict cold weather? Do they want to read how this single mother turned into a fiancé who's significant other spent the entire beginning of their two year relationship in a different country (military) where we had to get to know each other through Facebook, Skype, and emails (think Catfish, except we actually hung out less than a handful of times so I know he wasn't some overweight best but employee instead of the charismatic Marine he truly is)?  Maybe they do, maybe they don't but I sure the hell am about to find out!
     I'm 26 mother to the craziest 5 year old you'll ever meet and engaged to the most amazing man ever! I mean, let's be realistic here: how many men in the mid 20s would decide to settle down with a single mother which then puts them in the position to become a father pretty much overnight?! Not MANY! Most men my age are still living in the age of careless sex, booze, tattoos, and PS4 and those that are fathers, sad to say, aren't on their job like the should be (but I applaud those who are!
       Any of you who are doing a great job care to give my son's father a holler and give him a real life (not Facebook fatherhood) course in fatherhood 101?? I'll pay TOP dollar!!). Anywho...I work with children cause I'm a big ass kid myself! I have tantrums, I complain when my peas touch my mashed potatoes, and I STILL cry when Mufasa dies in the Lion King :D  So what better profession to be in than one where I can truly be me?! 
     I guess that's a pretty good basic beginners blog entry??? I'm still trying to figure our exactly what this blog will entail, but I promise you it'll be nothing but dull! Here's to the beginning of my crazy, beautiful, weird, random, sometimes hectic life as his wife and his mom XOXO

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